Hours of Operation:
Weekdays 8 AM to 4 PM
Littleton Day Surgery Center
303-795-2244 [email protected]
Know Your

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

As a Patient, you have the Right to:
  • Considerate, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances with recognition of your personal dignity.
  • Personal and informational privacy and security for self and property.
  • Have a surrogate (parent, legal guardian, person with medical power of attorney) exercise the Patient Rights when you are unable to do so, without coercion, discrimination or retaliation.
  • Confidentiality of records and disclosures and the right to access information contained in your clinical record. Except when required by law, you have the right to approve or refuse the release of records.
  • Information concerning your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, to the degree known.
  • Participate in decisions involving your healthcare and be fully informed of and to consent or refuse to participate in any unusual, experimental or research project without compromising your access to services.
  • Make decisions about medical care, including the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment after being adequately informed of the benefits, risks and alternatives, without coercion, discrimination or retaliation.
  • Competent, caring healthcare providers who act as your advocates and provide treatment as effectively as possible.
  • Know the identity and professional status of individuals providing service and be provided with adequate education regarding self-care at home.
  • Be free from unnecessary use of physical or chemical restraint and or seclusion as a means of coercion, convenience or retaliation.
  • Know the reason(s) for your transfer either inside or outside the facility.
  • Impartial access to treatment regardless of race, age, sex, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • File a grievance or complaint when you feel your rights have been violated or when you have concerns regarding the quality of services provided to you during the time spent at the facility and receive fair follow-up on your comments.
  • Know about any business relationships among the facility, healthcare providers, and others that might influence your care or treatment.
As a Patient, you are Responsible for:
  • Providing, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about your present health status and past medical history and reporting any unexpected changes to the appropriate physician(s).
  • Following the treatment plan recommended by the primary physician involved in your case.
  • Providing an adult to transport you home after surgery and an adult to be responsible for you at home for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • Indicating whether you clearly understand a contemplated course of action, and what is expected of you, and ask questions when you need further information.
  • Your actions if you refuse treatment, leave the facility against the advice of the physician, and/or do not follow the physician’s instructions relating to your care.
  • Ensuring that the financial obligations of your healthcare are fulfilled as expediently as possible.
  • Providing information about, and/or copies of any living will, power of attorney or other directive that you desire us to know about.
Advanced Directives Policy

Littleton Day Surgery Center does not honor advance directives. Because the scope of care in this facility is limited to elective outpatient surgical procedures, any life-threatening situation that arises will be immediately treated with life-sustaining measures.

Concurrently, the emergency medical system (EMS) will be activated for emergency patient transport to a hospital facility. If you provide us with an advanced directive, we will put it in your chart and in an emergency, it will be transferred with you to the hospital.

If you have questions about this policy, please feel free to call the center to speak with our scheduling coordinator.

Grievance Policy

Littleton Day Surgery Center strives to provide quality care and achieve patient satisfaction. Patient grievances and complaints provide a means to measure achievement of this goal and to identify the need for performance improvement.

Patients may register a complaint or grievance concerning any aspect of the service/care provided by the facility.

Complaints or grievances may be filed with:

Nurse Manager:
Phone: (303) 795-2244

Complaints Intake Coordinator:
Phone: (303) 692-2000
4300 Cherry Creek Dr. South
Denver, CO 80246

Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman:
Web: www.medicare.gov
Phone: (800) 633-4227

Patient Resources